Cornerstone Community Church, San Jose Ca

What On Earth Am I Here For? - Audio



This morning, as we get started in our 40 Days of Purpose spiritual growth experience, we're going to look at three of life's most important questions: 1) The question of existence, Why am I alive? 2) The question of significance, Does my life matter? and 3) The question of intention, What is my purpose? I realize these are pretty big questions. These aren't the kind of questions we're used to talking about with each other. But the truth is that it's not just philosophers who wonder about these questions. The most popular television show in the world is "House," and if you've ever watched it you know that these are exactly the kind of questions that get raised fairly frequently on the show. If you've never watched the show, Dr. Gregory House is a brilliant doctor, but an extremely difficult human being. In one episode called "One Day, One Room" House is having a conversation with his patient, a young woman named Eve; here's their exchange: House: "If you believe in eternity, then life is