Cornerstone Community Church, San Jose Ca

The Sweet Spot: The Satisfaction of Living as A Sacrifice - Audio



I've been trying to play some tennis with my son this summer. I've found that I can only use the cardio equipment at the gym so long before I get so bored that I just can't do it anymore, but I've always found exercise more enjoyable when it involved chasing a ball. It turns out that in tennis you're actually supposed to hit the ball more than chase it, but that's the part I'm working on, the whole “hitting the ball” part. But every once in awhile I happen to hit the ball just right. I remember when I played baseball as a kid we learned about the “sweet spot” on the bat, the fat part of the bat where you want to hit the ball to get maximum power. And it seems to work somewhat the same way in tennis; for me there seems to be a spot on the racquet that feels just right when I hit the ball. When I hit the ball on the sweet spot, the ball doesn't go over the fence, it doesn't go into the net, and it doesn't pop up in the air' when I hit the ball on the sweet spot the ball actuall