Sugar Mom By Robin Marshall




Imagine your daughter, 29... calling you on the phone hysterically crying because she'd just received results from a biopsy stating she has Stage 2 Breast Cancer. I am that Mom that wants to suck it out of her and put it in me, but it's a rude awakening when you realize, for once in your life you have no control over what's happening to your child.  Her sisters have wonderfully joined together and created a GoFundMe account on behalf of her, for out of pocket expenses to cover Fertility procedures, "harvesting of her eggs from chemo," and $10K worth of co-pays to get her through 2 years of insurance.  To say I'm devastated is an understatement, as would You be. If you can help please click on the link the kids have created. Even $10 travels a long way. If the link doesn't show up on iTunes, please Search on FB for Sugar Mom. Much thanks to you in advance if you can help and PLEASE GO GET YOUR MAMMOGRAM!!! Be Proactive as SHE was!!