Parenting Tomorrow's Leaders

Episode 82: Parenting Scripts with Amber Lia



Do you ever strugle to find the best way to confront your children?  Do you ever leave a confrontation wishing you could have said something better or different?  Today Amber Lia discusses her book Parenting Scripts  which gives us a plan on how to confront our children with common issues.  This is a super practical conversation (and book) which you can apply to your parenting journey.  Amber Lia is a former high school English teacher who earned her BA in English Literature from and her Master’s Degree in Leadership and Educational Administration. She is a girly-girl to the core, and finds a lot of humor in the fact that she has a “TESTOSTER-HOME”! Amber and her husband Guy own a production company called Storehouse Media Group,   and have been married eleven years.  They parent 4 boys who they are raising to be knights.