Parenting Tomorrow's Leaders

Episode 60: Natural Healing with Kelley Marvin Part II



Have you ever started a healthy eating plan only to find that 2 weeks later all you want is a donut and ice cream?  Well today Kelley discusses how to make gradual changes to increase your health in a sustanable way. Kelley is an Integrative Nutritionist, Drug-less Practitioner and Natural Health Professional who helps people realize their potential for wellness.  She came to health through a need to learn how to self-heal and bases her principles for wellness are based around quality, nutritionally dense foods and herbs, eliminating toxins and building killer gut health.  She also believes in holistic balance of mind, body and spirit in which self-care and mindset are cornerstones.  You can find out more information about Kelley and her 14-Day grain free reset plan on her website.