Pite Audio Experience

injuries and mental health



Pite was created in pursuit to help out anyone who struggles with mentalhealth in any sort of manner from deep depression to everyday anxiety or evensimple sad gloomy days. But unlike most YouTubers I’m not selling an idea orclass of any sort, you are your own class. By applying pite mentality whichpite stands for (put in the effort) you get a better understanding that when consumingPite content everything will be based around reshaping, self-discipline, andtransforming yourself instead of emotionally running away from problems. Andthis is because the majority of the time it isn't our “problems” causing us toreact in certain manners, it’s just that our perspective is so narrowed down andnot allowing us to acknowledge how much greater this world really has tooffer. But it all starts with pite and pite starts here, Thank you.