From the Black Hole

From the Black Hole Episode 67: 2015 Canadian Soccer Review



Has there been a bigger year in Canadian soccer? I think a compelling case could be made that 2015 has been the biggest. Not only did Canada host the Women's World Cup, but there were tons of other notable events with clubs, national teams, and individual players. At times it was difficult to keep track of it all. Here at FTBH we see it is part of our approach to try and support and connect others who are supporting soccer in Canada, and this influenced our approach for the 2015 review. We invited people from across the country to participate by sending us a brief discussion of their 2015 Canadian soccer highlights and a look forward to 2016. The people we contacted ranged from Voyageur friends to coaches, writers, bloggers, and pundits. And what a response! From across the country we received over 20 contributions. Needless to say, we feel incredibly thankful that we have been able to meet and get to know so many great soccer folks and we not only admire them a great deal, but are fortunate to be able to c