Tactical Talk With Allison Barrie




SWAT. What do SWAT guys know that you don't about saving saving lives when danger strikes? How do firefighters stay so fit that they can carry a Jolly Green Giant sized grown man, unconscious from smoke, down 50 flights of stairs in severely intense heat while a fire is raging around them? Ryan Starling recently ranked as the fittest firefighter on the west coast of the USA. He is also ranked #5 in Crossfit and you get to hang out with him at the firehouse right before he heads out to the global Crossfit Games Championship. Ryan is a highly skilled medic who serves both in SWAT and as a firefighter. SWAT and firefighting are two very tough jobs - and out in San Bernadino they have been really put to the test recently with extreme challenges - horrible wildfires, train derailments and the December 2 terrorist strike in an office Christmas office party. In this first part of the Starling double-header, Ryan hooks you up with his expert top tips on how to SELF-RESCUE.You'll walk away from this episode with a men