Tactical Talk With Allison Barrie

Texan Hellraiser Turned Masterful Marine Combat Shooter



From rattlesnakes to one of the world's most venomous snakes- the carpet viper...our guest this week has faced off against nature's deadly threats and our nation's deadly enemies. Will Hiett is a Texan who grew up taking on rattlesnakes as a kid to protect his little brother and tearing up the neighborhood as the go to hellraiser. Then he joined the Marine Corps. And he grew up to become an extremely accomplished Marine, highly lethal combat shooter and thoughtful gentleman - who drives the truck in MAD MAX on his daily commute. Today, kick back, grab a bourbon and join in for some epic war stories. When he was an infantry squad leader, Will led more than 260 combat patrols in Iraq. Will successfully repelled more than 20 determined Taliban fighters trying to over-run a Combat Out Post... and that's just for starters. We're hooking you up with straight up ground truth stories you won't hear anywhere else. Allison also asks Will to hook you up not just with unique tales from life out in the war zones - bu