Loft City Church

Jesus & the Cross (Part II)



We have to be careful when we come to the cross of Jesus to not just view it and two seconds later push it aside as if it was a trite event. It must command our utter attention. It must captivate us not just this morning, but every single day. For everyday we lay it aside and treat it as a humdrum event, an unexceptional/ordinary incident not worth our meditation or time, we wander from what it is that makes us so different. We wander from the life-giving source that changes us from the inside out. We wander from what propels us to be salt and light to this world. This is part two of a two week look at the cross and the effects that cross has on the life of a believer.  You can find part one here. He suffered that we might be free. He was mocked that we might be loved. He was exposed that we might be clothed He was rejected that we might be welcomed He was thirsty that we might be satisfied He endured that we might be forgiven