Rev VR Podcast

Rev VR Podcast - Episode 89



Rev VR Podcast (Ep.89): Reverend Kyle's Last Thoughts on VR in 2014 No guest in this episode, just me standing on my pulpit. I had considered doing a recap of 2014, but instead decided to simply share some of my final thoughts on VR as 2014 closes, and a look forward to the potential that 2015 brings. It is amazing to compare the journey from the 1980s to present day, with the wonderous road that we are traveling on right now. Future generations will wonder how we lived without the amazing technology they will have in a few decades. 2015 is truly ripe with possibilities as VR infects our world. I want to take this opportunity to thank all of my dedicated fans. I continue to do this podcast to fill in the gaps of time between announcements, and to continue to stoke the fires of excitement for virtual reality. Without you, my listeners, I would simply be talking to a wall. I also want to thank my fellow podcasters for sharing the responsibility of entertaining and informing this wonderful community.