Hero Recall

Hero Recall | Episode 3 | Sombra



Welcome to the third episode of Hero Recall! Hero Recall is an Overwatch focussed Podcast by Level 2 Gamers & TigratoPower. Each episode, we'll talk about game news, check out the latest goings on at professional level play in OWL and chat a little about personal play and experiences. Topping it all off with a deep dive into a Hero, including origin, weaponry, tips, meta chat and much more! This week we discuss Baptiste's introduction to OWL and the current Patch updates to the game. We also dive headfirst into the insanity that has been the between Stage trade wars, alongside the first look at Fusion Stadium.  After a brief discussion about playing characters on autopilot we top it all off with our hero deep dive - this week - Sombra! Thank you SO MUCH for joining us in this endeavor, Hero Recall is a passion project by Overwatch fans, for Overwatch fans. We couldn't do it without you.  Please rate us in the store, check out our video episodes (with extra content) @ YouTube.com/Level2Gamer