Hero Recall

Hero Recall | Episode 1 | D.Va



Welcome to the very first episode of Hero Recall! Hero Recall is an Overwatch focussed Podcast by Level 2 Gamers & TigratoPower. Each episode, we'll talk about game news, check out the latest goings on at professional level play in OWL and chat a little about personal play and experiences. Topping it all off with a deep dive into a Hero, including origin, weaponry, tips, meta chat and much more! This week we discuss the current, potential GOAT-Killer patches that Blizzard have introduced, including the new Hero Baptiste. In OWL discussion we chat Defran and THAT Grav, alongside some smack talking by Dogman and Neko. Then after a brief touch on our experiences at the start of Season 15...we dive head first into the world of Korean superstar D.Va - where we dissect her origin story, weapons, abilities, meta place, voice lines, skins, you name it.... Sources: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/overwatch-ptr-patch-notes-february-26-2019/308283 https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/over