Spiritual Charlotte

Episode 27 - Pastor Joshua Scott is Guiding Us Through The Bible Abyss Today!



Today we continue this 4-part series with episode 2 on "That Other Bible School" with Pastor Joshua Scott. Progressive Pastor, Joshua Adam Scott, of Morgantown Community Church in Morgantown, Kentucky, didn't always read the Bible the way that he does today. In fact, he was a very conservative young guy with a fundamental Christian foundation, highly concerned with "the saving people's souls". But later while in seminary, a shift occurred, and he's been shifting ever since! Rather than break up with the Bible, Pastor Scott saw new possibilities in the teachings within this sacred text. He's been our favorite Bible Nerd since we happened upon him speaking at the Open Network stage at the Wild Goose Festival last summer. Influenced by Progressive Theologians like Marcus Borg, Brian McClaran, and Doug Padgett, Pastor Scott tends to help 3 types of people: 1. People who've broken up with the Bible 2. People who suspect that there's something important about the Bible, but don't know for sure what it is 3. Pe