Resistance Rising

Resistance Rising 179: Baby-Killing Deviants Are Your Secret Roman Masters



FULL NOTES AND LINKS, HERE! * From Costco and Starbucks in Seattle through racial outrage in Philadelphia to Rome. * Yellow Journalism: why “mainstream” news boldly enflames racial hatred and tension. * Do the Jesuits revere Ellen G. White? * Former Jesuit Priest Alberto Rivera on Adventism and the Sabbath. * How successful has the Jesuit assault on the Bible been?  —Judge by what “Christians” believe. * How many of America’s mayors are far-Left, homosexual and Catholic? * Mocked even further by Pope Francis’ “World Meeting of Families” occurring in Dublin! * Éamon de Valera: Ireland’s mystery insurgent Prime Minister at a critical time with England. * “NOT BORN HERE”—How Rome uses insurgents with no attachment to the citizens they betray. * Seventh Day Adventism: FRIEND, FOE OR BLUE PILL SLAVES? * Can We Finally Call Hillary A Roman? * Who owns Utah, Mormons or Jesuits?  Jesuits Have Had a Strong Presence in Northern Utah * From big business to so