Resistance Rising

Resistance Rising 178: From False Flags to TV “Programming”, You Are A Slave!



FULL NOTES AND LINKS, HERE! * North Korea: puppets of China, puppets of ROME * Kim Jong Il’s Russian Roots * The Dear Leader’s Secret Stay in Malta * From “Anglicans” to “Baptists”; there are no true Protestants left. * The truth behind King James ONLY fanaticism. * Who was John Wesley? * In every cell of three terrorists, two get a paycheck from the FBI. * MORE FALSE FLAG TALL TALES: Las Vegas Shooter’s Home Broken Into Despite Intense FBI, Police Interest * TURNS OUT STEPHEN PADDOCK WAS A CONSPIRACY THEORIST! (just like YOU) * “Las Vegas Shooter’s Brother Facing Child Charges”  Is the squeeze being put on this crisis actor or are they just trying to say, “Paddock (and his brother) are both ‘conspiracy theorists’ and child predators—JUST LIKE YOU!”  Which is hilarious because that’s what THEY are. * Son of an FBI agent, Parkland shooting “witness” David Hogg can’t get his story straight. * From Trayvon Martin to David Hogg; each news media picture