Manformation Confidence And Leadership Strategies For Men With Skip La Cour

How To Stay Calm When Stressed - #36



Anybody can be strong and confident when times are going well. Even when times aren't going well, it's easy to stay calm if you don't have a lot riding on the outcome. It's just not that big of a deal to you. The challenge is staying calm during the stressful times. In today’s Morning Connection, I talk about how to stay calm when stressed, a great "alpha male" leadership strategy from the "Mad Men" TV show, expecting the best, forgiving your mistakes of the past, morning rituals, mental toughness, fitness, and more Take advantage of my Morning Connection MANformation Course Special Offer. Get the MANformation course and one-on-one coaching time with me in this amazing offer. Go here now to learn more and to enroll. Go here to sign up for MANformation podcast updates and email alerts. You can email Skip La Cour at Call (213)973-8790 if you're the kind of man who likes to take action now. WATCH the Morning Connection live show with Skip La Cour every morning at 3 am (Pacific) 6 am (