Main Street Universe

Psychic Medium Kevin Baird



Google: psychic medium Kevin Baird and NuCompanion to find out more. Kevin Started his life as an adult by joining the Army, where after several psychic events got him transfered to the psychic soldiers program in U.S. Army INSCOM Washington D.C. under the command of Major General Albert Stubblebine. Google: Stargate Project and Albert Stubblebine then google, Men who stare at goats After the project went civiliar and went black, it changed, so Kevin got out of the Army and returned to a normal life. He studied and became a IT professional because he wanted to work with computers, He knew it was to be part of his future.   Until somewhere along the line he got into 5 car accidents within a 45 day period telling him it was time to return to the path of his destiny.  He picked up and studied the tarot, later became a psychic professional. In 2012 he got laid off from his IT job and career so he just did the psychic professional thing full time.  While out and about he discovered a little mini computer tha