Main Street Universe

The Code Connection - In The Dream Realms



I look at messages that our dreams are telling us.  During this show, I will address some of the common dreams that people have and then look at the codes behind the codes in what we dream.  A dream can be a strange accidental message that can sway us off course; or our dreams can also be divine messages given to us to helps us be successful as we maneuver our way through this dimension and plane.  Either way we will discuss the purpose that they serve in our lives and the incredible portals that they can lead us through As a Coding Interpreter I AM able to share the truth of things.  It gives insights that allow for foresight and Divine wisdom.  Forewarned is well armed.  Code Interpretation provides peace instead of getting wrapped up in the competition that separates us from Divine presence.  I share compassionate ways to handle the ebbs and flows of life; breaking the programming that is instilled in us from the moment we incarnate. I delve into all the topics you want to know about, wonder about; sharin