Main Street Universe

Activating Compassion Radio - Tarot Polarity



Jesse interviews Miriam Jacobs - creator of Polarity Wellness Tarot, and author of "Tarot and the Chakras: Opening New Dimensions To Healers". Miriam trained in Polarity Therapy in New York City and was certified by American Polarity Therapy Association. She received a certification in Swedish Esalen Massage at McKinnon Institute in Oakland, CA. Miriam has been reading Tarot for over 25 years. Her creation of Polarity Wellness Tarot integrates classic tarot with esoteric body anatomy found in Polarity Therapy. Miriam has also studied Cranial Sacral Therapy, Chi Nei Tsang, Therapeutic Touch, Reflexology, Ayurveda, and Herbology; all of which is integrated into her practice. You can learn more about her work at   Website: Facebook: Clare Hedin: Shimshai: