Southeast Green - Speaking Of Green

New Report Faults Biomass Greenwashing Scheme



Adam Macon is the Program Director at Dogwood Alliance. He joined the organization in 2014 and since that time has successfully elevated the Our Forests Aren't Fuel campaign to international prominence, and has been instrumental in supporting the development of an international and regional network pushing back against a growing biomass industry. As a leading spokesperson for Dogwood he has been featured in media around the world, including on the BBC, French TV, Science Magazine, Politico and various other regional, national and international media outlets. Born and raised in coal country of Eastern Kentucky, Adam has always had a passion for organizing people and fighting the corporations whose practices destroy our earth. Beginning this month, Adam will be directing all of Dogwood’s programs including the Wetland Forests Initiative, Forests & Climate work, the Paper Campaign, and continued involvement in the Our Forests Aren’t Fuel Campaign.