Vickie Emanuele - The Energy Goddess




  THIS IS GOING TO BE A SUPER, DUPER SHOW! Jessica my co- host and I are going to be chatting with a guest about ALIENS! Kyle Bickler is a civil engineer with a Bachelors of Science and Masters of Science degrees in civil engineering from UC Davis, California. Kyle's training in the physical sciences and extensive research has led him to the realization that extraterrestrial interaction with the human race is a real phenomenon, and that we have reverse engineered many of the technologies we enjoy in our modern culture including other suppressed free-energy technologies that could go a long way to saving the planet from the path of environmental destruction that we find ourselves on today.    Through Kyle's interest in the work by several credible researchers and authors in the field of UFO politics, including Dr. Michael Salla ( and Mr. David Wilcock (GaiamTV -Disclosure Series and website, Kyle is here to discuss some of the latest headlines to hit the wire about recent