Vickie Emanuele - The Energy Goddess

Beyond The Veil of Death



  Tune in with my  co host Jessica Spaid and I  to journey into what happens when we die? I communicated to spirits as young as 5. Being a medium I work with DEATH everyday!  Death is something that we do not like to talk about and may fear but it will happen to us all. I like to think of death as resting our physical body that we are borrowing on earth. Many of my clients ask me the following questions about death. Where do we go? Is there heaven and hell? Do we see are loved ones in spirit? Is death painful? What really happens when we die? Are our pets waiting for us? Will we be with our family again? Is our loved ones in spirit watching us have sex? lol. Get clarity on what death is and what is coming for us all. Not as scary as you think! I am blessed to be able to feel and see through the exoerince of death from going to one demension to another and even see who helps one througn to the other side. Call in with questions or to chat to a loved one in spirit.