Win Friends with Bob Burg and Get Dates!



I love Bob Burg. He's a businessman with a heart of gold. His gift is teaching the rest of us how to mind our business with grace and tact.  Listen in today as Bob shows us the way out of tricky situations. From the snippy lady at the front desk to the police officer walking up to your car window.  Bob has the good sense to teach us how to keep our emotions under control while we find our way back to groovyland. And the kicker? He gives us the magic words to use when we have to say NO.  Bob Burg. You'll like him. Do what he says and you'll like yourself even more. Who wants to find a date??  It's possible...and we have 101 stories to share to prove it to you.  Amy Newmark is the editor of Chicken Soup for the Soul. The new book is The Dating Game. Listen in and find out how your story could be in the next edition. MWAH!!  (You'll understand that when you listen to the end.) xo K