Rich Kid Radio

When Internet Dating Goes Wrong [U.R.L.]



The Unconventional Relationships & Lifestyles (U.R.L.) investigates the non-conventional ways that intimate relationships develop between people. The U.R.L. series places marginalized groups (black women, black gay men) at the center of conversation in order to illuminate the ways in which race, gender, and sexuality shape human behavior and personal experiences. Finally, this theme firmly supports alternative dating styles and practices. This week's show is 90 minutes. Question of the Night: A man find out that a woman he is casually having sex with saves all the times they have sex in her phone's calendar. Topic Questions: Have you been catfished before? What should you do when someone doesn't look like their profile picture? How do you feel about one night stands on the internet?  Let's have a rich discussion. Follow RichKidRadio on Twitter and LIKE us on Facebook.