Rich Kid Radio

Evolution of Human Sexuality: Safe & Raw Sex, HIV, and Health Education



The Evolution of Human Sexuality Series explores topics at the intersection of human health and sexuality, attraction and intimacy, kink behavior, and eroticism. This five week series includes topics ranging from sexual curiosity in the bedroom to severing relationship ties with men and women in prison. Tonight's episodes is two hours. 7:10 - Audience Call-ins begin. 7:25 - Health educator Dorothy Bota discusses how personal accountability can save you from contracting and transmitting an STD. 7:50 - Social worker Michael Chancley tells us about a medication that dramatically lowers the risk of contracting HIV in high-risk behaviors. 8:15 - Community health educator Jalenski gives us the most known and unknown reasons people engage in raw sex. 8:40 - The RKR cast is asked a tough question sent in by a listener. The audience is encouraged to join in. 8:55 - Closing remarks. Let's have a rich discussion. - QueTheCreator Follow RichKidRadio on Twitter and LIKE us on Facebook.