Soulspeak With Inga

Ha'Oponopono. Healing as a Personal Responsibility



In this episode, I am going to discuss the ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and healing, Ha'oponopono. It was introduced to the wider audience by Dr. Hew Len.  At the core of Dr Len’s perspective is the idea of taking responsibility for more than your personal self because ‘you are in me and I am in you’. His way of expressing Ho’oponopono contains an awareness that the discordance we find in others and in the world outside ourselves is due to ‘errors’ in thought stored in our personal and collective memories.  I am going to illustrate this perspective with a parable from mystical Judaism, which teaches that any evil we encounter in the world is in essence a reflection of some unrectified - however small - flaw within ourselves.  I will also guide you through a practical reconciliation excercise that you can do any time, whenever you feel you still have an unresolved issue with someone.  My hope is that this podcast will motivate us to deeper inner work, and help to get out of the victim mental