Revealing Conversations With Petra

Revealing Conversation with Petra Nicoll & Sharon Bauer



Perception of the Afterlife by Sharon Bauer Petra and guest Sharon Bauer invite you listen in as they discuss: Understanding the Role of a Medium. Since she was a child, Sharon Bauer has been able to communicate with those whom have passed to the Afterlife. Her first experience with death was when her father passed. She was suddenly overcome with an awareness that her father wasn't walking this earth plane anymore. Her family members didn't believe this at first, and then the phone rang and it soon became apparent to everyone that this was indeed the case. From that point on, she started receiving messages from others in the Afterlife. They would appear before her suddenly and without warning, and whomever appeared was usually related in some way to whomever she was around. Sometimes, she would be driving and suddenly would hear them speak to her; and it was related to a person at the destination she was headed. She enjoys the role she plays as intermediary between us here on this earth and those in the Aft