Funky Monkey Mma Radio

Burt Watson talks about his departure from the UFC



After 14 years working for the UFC, the legendary Burt Watson announces plans to work with CFFC (Cage Fury Fighting Championship) Burt Watson handled just about everything you can imagine in the days leading up to a fight and while he is not one to boast …he is what I would call a fixer in every sense of the word and a god send to many of the fighters he has worked with over the years. In case you don’t know MMA fans, here is a short laundry list of some things the living legend handled during fight week and we’ll ask Burt for the rest of the list later in this interview. In an average day Burt makes sure the fighters have their tickets, they have their mouthpiece and their cups… their  meal money, transportation to the weigh-ins, a workout room at the hotel and so much more His goal – to make sure the fighters have nothing to worry about but the fight and there are a long list of fighters he has helped in his stellar career who are very grateful for this. Plus Watson is the comsumate unofficial cheerl