Grounded Roots With Sam Black

Exploring Life After Death with special guest, Sandra Champlain



For so many, the fear of the unknown and the fear of death and what happens after we pass it a reality!  Join Sam Black and her special guest, Sandra Champlain, as they explore the journey that Sandra has taken to find proof and real stories of life on the other side.  Having an understanding of life after death and proof that it exists can be so healing to those left behind and also validating when we experience messeges and signs from our loved ones. Sam Black is the Executive Director of Grounded Roots Wellness Inc. and is also a Certified Psychic Medium and Wellness Coach!  Sam has been delivering messages from Spirit for over 20 years and has had a near death experience that brought her close to the veil between life and death.  Sam has a passion for helping others find the gems inside and to help others finding healing from within.  Sam hosts this show as a way of bringing wellness in to every area of life and highlighting the beauty that others shine to the world! Sandra Champlain's fear of dying led