Grounded Roots With Sam Black

Women in Business Series: Identity Shift with special guest, Ruschelle Khanna



Explore with Sam and her guest, Ruschelle as they take you on a journey of transition and self discovery! Sam Black is the Executive Director of Grounded Roots Wellness Inc., a Master Coach and Trainer and a Psychic Medium!  Sam has a background in Social Work and Education and has experienced what it is to transition careers and experience identity shift due to injury.  Sam promotes healing and natural forms of pain management and is excited to introduce others to Float Therapy or Sensory Deprivation with her Float Pods.  Sam expresses the need to heal on 3 levels, physically, emotionally and cognitively! Ruschelle Khanna is a pain visionary. She helps people take ownership of their experience of pain by using the power of their minds to transform suffering into an enlightened period of growth. As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over ten years  of experience working with people from all backgrounds, Ruschelle understands that the language of pain is as diverse as those who suffer from it, yet the ca