Grounded Roots With Sam Black

Women in Business Series: Cooking up Opportunity with guest, Dana Nicholson



Join Sam and special guest, Dana Nicholson as they explore the opportunities available to women around the world. Align with your passions, bring in additional income, allow you to develop skills and build relationships!  These opportunities can be found in direct sales!  Direct sales bring in millions of dollars each year and help women to experience success from their own home!  It's time to talk business, break down the stereotypes and share real stories about real women succeeding and jumping beyond their dreams to build a successful reality! Your host, Sam Black is the Executive Director of Grounded Roots Wellness Inc. and has over 20 years in Direct Sales experience with multiple companies.  Learn how the skills that she learned helped her to build her knowledge and experience that was transferable to so many other areas of life and other careers!  With a background in Social Work and Education and current career in Wellness, Sam credits much of her learning to her training within the businesses she wo