Between Heaven And Earth

How to Use Crystals and Gemstones with Lisa K



Lisa K. Radio Everyone loves gems, crystals and beautiful stones. In this episode I'll answer questions about crystals that people have sent me such as; What are your favorite crystals and why? How do I clear crystals of negative or unwanted energy? How often do I need to clean them? How do I use crystals? What are the best angel crystals? AND I'll be showing you the crystal of the week and what it is good for. Plus we had a little contest running during the live show. If you'd like to join us for the live video broadcast on facebook, you can go to The How to Use the Power of Crystals online class: About Lisa K. Lisa K., PhD, is a teacher, author and speaker specializing in intuition. Founder of Developing Your Intuition, and considered an intuition expert, Lisa has taught hundreds of people intuition development in workshops and seminars. Her public appearances reach people a