Between Heaven And Earth

Intuition and Quantum Thinking



Our guest will be Dianne Collins, author of "Do You QuantumThink?" Dianne uses QuantumThink, a new way of thinking, to show people how to have a great life. Intuition, she says, is one way to access quantum thinking. According to Dianne, "Intuition gives us access to the magic of life." She says, "When you are QuantumThinking you learn how to be healthy...transform negative energy experiences into positive ones, instantly...You can create contexts that give rise to things working and working well.... you accomplish more with less effort. When you expand your mind and thinking, miraculous things happen, quantum leap style." Every month our show will have different topics on intuition, spirituality, metaphysics and more. I have many exciting new guests lined up who you will love. We are spreading our wings and reaching more and more listeners. Stay tuned for more exciting news on how we are doing this. Between Heaven and Earth is a radio show where you can learn some practical and useful tools for helping you