Between Heaven And Earth

Meditation - Between Heaven and Earth



This show is about Meditation, I'll explain what meditation really is, how meditation can benefit your life and what aspects of meditation will gain results.  Meditation is one of THE most beneficial things you can do for your mind, body and spirit.  Meditation has so many benefits, it's really quite amazing.  Meditation has been scientifically shown to increase happiness, improve your immunity and  increase gray matter in the brain while slowing down the deterioration of the brain as a part of the natural aging process.   In the spiritual realm, meditation is the path  to enlightenment and is the most important practice you can do to improve your intuition and psychic senses.  Meditation practice also enables the mind to function at maximum efficiency and clarity.     Each month we'll feature a variety of spiritual topics and listeners can call in later in the show and to ask questions. Join Host Lisa K., Angel Therapist® and her co-hosts for a monthly radio show, the first Tuesday of every month. Listen