Between Heaven And Earth

The Human Energy Field - Between Heaven and Earth



This show will be about Human Energy Field.  What the Human Energy Field? Everyone has one!  What is all this about the human aura, chakras, meridians?  What is a dantien? We'll answer all these questions and more in this show.  Learn about your energy field, how you can work with it, feel it, raise its vibration, how to send it out and draw in good energy.  Learn about chi or qi, the eternal life force that makes up you! Each month we'll feature a variety of spiritual topics and listeners can call in for the second half of the show and receive intuitive readings from the hosts. Join Host Lisa K., Angel Therapist® and her co-hosts, Deana Marie, Anne Marie and Renee for a monthly radio show, the first Tuesday of every month. Listen live or download an episode from the archive.