Between Heaven And Earth

Crystals - Between Heaven and Earth



This show will be about Crystals. Lisa K. is a Crystal Resonance Therapist™, a Metaphysician and has degrees in science and engineering. Tune in to learn about what makes crystals special carriers of energy, which crystals are good for healing, manifesting, protection, psychic development and connecting to angels and divine wisdom. Learn about the metaphysical properties of crystals. You will also hear about how to use crystals in your metaphysical and spiritual practices as tools and how to work with their energy. Each month will feature a variety of spiritual topics and listeners can call in for the second half of the show and receive intuitive readings from the hosts. Join Host Lisa K., Angel Therapist® and her co-hosts, Deana Marie, Anne Marie and Renee for a monthly radio show, the first Tuesday of every month. Listen live or download an episode from the archive. To see the time for this show in your part of the world, go to