Eotm / Universal Wave Radio

Author Interviews - New Books - Talk Radio



EOTM Radio interviews with top authors, news and commentary on popular best sellers. (REBROADCAST) Eriq La Salle, best known for his role on the award winning NBC medical drama “ER,” will be a featured author, presenting his debut novel “Laws of Depravity”.  Since his days on “ER” La Salle has gone actor turned director/producer and now book author; releasing a murder mystery. With this book Eriq thrills audiences with a dynamic storyline filled with the murders of priests, gruesome crime scenes, brutal killings, NYPD Detectives, the FBI, betrayal, and lies – all the necessary ingredients to create an edgy, gritty, suspenseful, paging turning thriller. Stream live and listen to interviews with some of your favorite authors. Click here to browse our best seller lists, book reviews & news for authors, fiction & non-fiction, literature, biographies, memoirs, children's books, science fiction & self-help. Have a book we should review? Tweet us @eotmpr - hashtag #Goodreads