
On the Table (102617) Renewing our Mind - Emotional Healing



The girls will discuss the importance of emotional healing and renewing our minds to enhance our walk. Last week we were privileged to see this concept in action for a caller towards the end of the show with the Praying Medic, David Hayes. What is our perspective? As we go through life we filter new experiences through the previous ones. Unfortunately, some of these perspectives have lies attached to them, either provided by the enemy or an incomplete understanding.  1Co_13:11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I reasoned as a child: but when I became a man, I did away with the things of a child.  In order for us to become most intimate with Father, we need to replace our distorted lenses with His lenses and replace the lies with His truth. We not only have to renew our conscious thought patterns, but also our subconscious ones since this is where most of the troublesome behavior and thought patterns reside. It is what we have trained the subconscious to believe abo