
On the Table (101917) Operating in the Courts of Heaven



David Hayes, the Praying Medic, and our own David Murry school us in operating in the courts of Heaven. Many Christians are surprised when they first hear that the courts of heaven are real. Many more have been shocked at how their lives have changed after appearing in court to face their adversary.  The courts are places where the legal proceedings of heaven are carried out. Cases are brought before a judge, witnesses testify and rulings are handed down. In an earthly court, when an accusation is brought against you and it goes unanswered, even if you're innocent, it can cause legal problems. Whenever your're accused, you must appear to answer the accusation. Otherwise the court must find you guilty. Many of us are being accused right now by an adversary and aren't aware of it. When the accusation goes unanswered, our adversary wins by default and is able to afflict or oppress us. David's Book:  Defeating Your Adversary in the Courts of Heaven