
On the Table (061517) Loneliness



This week the girls will be discussing loneliness - what is it; what causes it; what does Father's Word say to do about it? We will also be sharing how we hear from Father as individual believers - something we were not taught in the brick and mortar church system. Hopefully, this will help you "connect" with your heavenly Father. Loneliness is a feeling of isolation and disconnection from meaningful relationships. Loneliness says, “no one knows me, no one cares about me.” Even in a crowd, we can be lonely. “Everyone” might like us, but something is still missing. Loneliness isn’t about the numbers:  tons of Facebook friends, text messages, or even conversations is protection against loneliness. It’s about being known and accepted. When we’re lonely, we don’t have a safe place to celebrate our successes and share our burdens. Generally speaking, there are two kinds of loneliness. SOCIAL loneliness is feelings of being separated and disconnected from other people. SPIRITUAL loneliness is feeling separated f