Writer's Life Chats

Vivian "Gossip Viv" Billings



The life of radio personality and celebrity blogger Vivian ‘Gossip Viv’ Billings was never easy. As a mother of two at the age of sixteen, she dealt with the harsh realities of an abusive relationship, and a boyfriend uninterested in helping raise their children. With great personal strength, she eventually left him behind and began a new life with her children. Years later, Vivian once again called on that inner strength when her child, Kadijah, confided in her that he was not her daughter, but her son. The news came as a shock to her. She vowed to protect Kadijah and herself by separating her personal life from her public persona. All is well until Vivian began filming VH1’s, The Gossip Game. It isn’t long before Kadijah’s gender identity becomes an on camera topic of discussion, and what was once a personal matter is laid out for the world to see. Faced with the feelings of being exposed, emotions soon run high, heated arguments take place, and Vivian loses track of what’s most important; her relationship