Writer's Life Chats

What Is Street Lit? Panel Discussion



What is Street Lit? What is Urban Fiction? What is Hip Hop Lit? Well find out tonight on the Writer's Life Chats as Diane P. Rembert and I chat with Author T. Styles, June Miller, Author Shaun Sinclair and Antoine Inch Thomas as they discuss the best-selling industry and so much more. Call in or log on to the chat room. This is one show you do not want to miss.?#‎TheWriteSpotOnRadio?.CALL IN AND JIN IN ON THIS POPULAR GENRE AND HEAR FROM AUTHORS WHO CONTRIBUTE TO IT'S SUCCESS. According to Wikipedia Urban fiction, also known as street lit or street fiction is a literary genre set, as the name implies, in a city landscape; however, the genre is as much defined by the socio-economic realities and culture of its characters as the urban setting.