Magnetic Wealth

Igniting the fire of the life you desire



Magnetic Wealth Radio January 19th Special guest! Michael Eckerman, Master Trainer in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a certified and seasoned professional in Time Line Therapy®, an expert in Neuro-Sciences, and is accomplished and certified in Hypnosis and a Certified Firewalk Instructor How would it be to Activate the powerful emotions of Confidence, Fearlessness, Gratitude, Humor and Love at a moments notice? How would you be as a person? Let's find out together from Michael on Tuesday. Michael teaches how to harness your Inner Fire and tap into your inner strength and experience your true potential by using the latest cutting edge techniques in the Neuro-Sciences field. Michael has assisted thousands of individuals and businesses worldwide to achieve long-lasting performance results. Create rapid change by breaking through those old obstacles and limitations and live the life that you desire. You will reprogram your mind for unlimited success and unstoppable momentum. As a former CEO of a multi-