Frozen Nerdz - A Blizzard Entertainment Discussion Podcast

Frozen Nerd Report - Episode 18 (July 20th, 2018)



Welcome to Episode 18 of the Frozen Nerd Report with Epicinsanity! The Frozen Nerd Report is a short mini-cast of the latest information you need to know about your favorite Blizzard Entertainment games as you head into the weekend. Do you want to know what’s happening in esports, or what events are going on inside your favorite games? Or just want to know what the latest Blizzard News? On this week’s show, Epicinsanity gives you the quick rundown on the following: Overwatch League Playoffs in Full Swing: Blizzard at SDCC: StarCraft: StarCraft II Midgame Moves -- Know When to Secure Your Expansion ( ); The Surpise Tech Switch (; Taking Time Between Games to Review (