Frozen Nerdz - A Blizzard Entertainment Discussion Podcast

Episode 211 - Boostie Ohs



Welcome to the Frozen Nerdz Podcast Episode 211 called "Boostie Ohs." We are your Blizzard Entertainment discussion podcast. The show you are about to hear was recorded on Sunday, June 17th, 2018. On this week's show, we quickly go over our past weeks in video games before we move onto talking about our Blizzard Entertainment discussion. This week we start off talking about a global Hearthstone qualifier, StarCraft: Remastered gets a developer update, Diablo Season 14 is live, Hearthstone releases top Legend decks, a pricey AD campaign for Heroes of the Storm fanart, and issues with boosting within the Overwatch Pro scene then we move onto talking about World of Warcraft. This week we talk about the World of Warcraft Classic update, and we recap the latest Battle for Azeroth developer Q&A. And then before you know it, it's time for us to say our weekly goodbyes. And then for our Patrons on Frozen Nerdz After Dark, we talk about content creators being transparent, more about boosters in Overwatch, and our