Social Media Edge Radio

SSL, What The ____?



You've probably heard the term "SSL". Today we talk about how it impacts your future, and your today. Because today we discuss SSL - what it is, why it is important, how we're basically being herded into it, what to do about it. We'll discuss the what, why, and how, as well as the reasons Secure Socket Layers should, and soon *must*, be a part of your web presence. While we don't intend to get too "techy" for the average user, there is plenty to be learned about SSL outside of this short show. If you have questions about SSL, your website, your visitors, and how all of those could impact your activity, results, and business, don't hesitate to get in the chat room or call (if you're listening live) or to contact Ken or Mike outside of the show. Ken is @thekencook on Twitter and at Mike is @mikemueller on Twitter and