Social Media Edge Radio

How To Track & Analyze Social Media Performance



George Santayana, the famous modern era philosopher and essayist, said, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." The same goes for Social Media failure. We rely very much on "gurus" who are generally only regurgitating what they heard or read from some other "guru" who possibly extrapolated their own opinion about social vectoring and success. Forget that. Data ruins many great million sellers. Today we're talking about how to find out which Tweets and Posts work best for you so you can repeat that success in the future.We'll be looking at the built in analytics of a few social media giants plus talking about some 3rd party solutions you can use for free. And then possibly some which have fees associated. Some of my clients (I'm Ken) would not be my clients if I could not tell theme with good accuracy where their sales come from. So we'll be using real world examples. Mike will also bring a depth of knowledge on this topic to the discussion today. Hey, if you listn live - get in the