Turkey Crossing

How do you get a lesson to stick?



How do you get a lesson to stick? I recently read Made to Stick by Chip Heath and Dan Heath. It was the last in the perfect trilogy of books I read this summer which also included The World Is Flat and A Whole New Mind. It is a book on why some ideas die, and others thrive. They explain how to make an idea “stick.” I wrote many notes as I read the book changing the context of their writing to be more in line with helping me plan a lesson rather than a marketing campaign. All of the ideas in the podcast and PowerPoint are from the book. I decided to type them onto a file so that I would not misplace them and that turned into a PowerPoint document. I am going to post the PowerPoint on teachertube.com under the title “How do you get a lesson to stick?” http://www.teachertube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ebc05d66a0568a333196 This podcast is simply me reading the PowerPoint presentation. While I don’t consider the PowerPoint done, I know with school starting it is probably as finished as it ever will be and d