

Esteban Valdes Salazar is the municipal historian ("cronista") of the municipality of Totatiche, Jalisco. He was born in Totatiche and as an adult moved to Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, where he worked as a verger in one of the local parishes. It was there that his interest in genealogy and historical research began after he was exposed to the disciplines by a parrishioner. While still living in Monterrey, he wrote his first book, Los Valdes de Totatiche, which documents the various branches of the Valdes family in Totatiche and Colotlan, Jalisco. His second book, El sacerdocio ministerial, singular don de la parroquia de Totatiche, Jalisco, documents the descendants of Joseph Cayetano Grano and his six daughters, who are considered pivotal figures in the history of Totatiche and who are the ancestors of most of the illustrious clergy that has come from Totatiche. He has also documented the genealogy of Saint Cristobal Magallanes Jara, who was born and served as priest in Totatiche, and most recently wrote a two vol